Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Morgan & the QAC

As I posted back in October, Morgan Fox and the folks at the Queer Action Coalition (QAC) continually impress me. These young people, not trained in activism, the law or public relations have stood up to the oppression of young people they have witnessed in Memphis.

Always at the heart of what they are the welfare of the individuals involved (including Zach Stark's parents during the summer protests) and integrity.

Just read the QAC's recent post to see what I mean. I've watched these folks move with such care, thoughtfulness and passion. It's been a learning process for all of them, but they consistently have take the high road.

Much more will come out about Love in Action (LIA). Some experiences in LIA I have recetly heard from eye witnesses shock me beyond words. Any parent who cares for the welfare of their children will be shocked to hear these things as well. It will all come out in the proper time, but like the QAC has modelled for us, the welfare of individuals and integrity needs to be the focus.

When you see ugly and hateful comments, try to resist succumbing to the same spirit. Instead speak your truth in love.


At 8:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the need to support and protect the kids who are in the middle of things right now, right this moment. But if there is information about goings-on at LIA that would shock any parent who cares of the welfare of their children, and it is solid information, then isn't the proper time for its coming out now, before another parent puts their kid in there?

I realize this situation puts a lot of good, decent, caring people between a rock and a hard place, and I am not judging anyone involved, since I am not privy to these details, or their sources, or their verifiability. There are the kids who are caught up in it now and need protection, and there are the kids who are about to be thrown into it, and you know they are out there right now, right this moment, some aware of what is to come, and some not, who also need that same protection. I don't envy where you are right now.

At 5:52 PM , Blogger Granny said...

Hi - obviously I've been missing things (like putting you on bloglines so I can keep up).

I'll catch up with all this as soon as I have time. Meanwhile I'm sending you a link to an article in our local paper.

I agree with you about civility even when it's difficult. Hatred begets hatred. We may not change any minds but at least we don't turn into them.


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